March 25, 2015

Let's make pillow cases!

My favorite blog is Make It and Love It. The owner of the blog is Ashley, and she is a mother of four beautiful children and a wife and a master blogger and a super creative woman. She is amazing. If you haven't checked out her blog, please go and visit. You will find all kinds of beautiful things to look at and make for yourself.

In November, Ashley wrote about how she was asked to help out with a service project to make pillow cases for sick children in hospitals. What a beautiful idea! She posted a beautiful story behind the idea, and a super easy tutorial to make the pillow cases. One of the methods is called "the burrito method." Once I saw that, I had to try it. Since then, I have made quite a few pillow cases mainly as presents but some for Olivia as well. My plan is to make a few for the project Ashley wrote about and send them to Team Bubba. I realize that it has been four months since she posted about the pillow cases, but I was happy to notice that it looks like they are still accepting pillow cases. I am going to make some. I hope you will too. Come on ... burrito method ... how can you resist that? You will be able to find all the information and the awesome, super easy tutorial for the pillow cases clicking right here.

Ashley have listed three sizes for pillow cases and three different methods of making them. I used the burrito method for my pillow cases. I found that making the queen size pillow case worked the best for my standard size pillows. I am not sure if my seam allowance is larger than it should be or what, but the standard size was too small. These are really fun to make and once all the fabric is cut, they are super quick to sew together. And, they are beautiful.

For Olivia, I made one pillow case with My Little Ponies and another with Doc McStuffins. Doc McStuffins may not be Olivia's favorite anymore, but I loved the colors in the fabric so much that I couldn't leave it in the fabric store.

 Super cute, right? The colors in the fabric make me so happy.

My Little Ponies are cool in this house just like the Littlest Pet Shop and Legos. I made a pony pillow case that matched a fleece blanket that I had made months earlier for Olivia's bed.

Now, let's make some pillow cases!

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